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Interested in contributing your knowledge
and ideas to INCmty 2023?

We are looking for dynamic speakers and important topics that will provide the best possible experience for attendees.

Join us!

If you are an entrepreneur, thought leader, or expert in your field, register now to connect with entrepreneurs and decision-makers and bring your initiative to our community.
14 - 16 May

Your idea has the potential to change the world in front of +5,000 innovators


Convocatoria cerrada
¡Muchas gracias por participar!

Closed Call 
Thank you for your participation!




Nicolas Morales _Con fundador Yourney.io, Trabajo con Sentido y BGIFT      circulos rojos con cruz


Become a Speaker and share your knowledge in 3 ways:

Boost your carrer by connecting with startups, corporations, businesses, and other entrepeneurs like yourself and share your insights in one of these three ways:


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Shed light on a problem

We understand the hard work you’ve put into solving a problem that can have a massive impact. At incMTY, you’ll have the chance to share your solution with a community that’s eager to contribute.

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Create value to others

We understand the hard work you’ve put into solving a problem that can have a massive impact. At incMTY, you’ll have the chance to share your solution with a community that’s eager to contribute.

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Shape the future

As an innovator, share the latest trends to a community of decision makers that will shape the future. Be a part of the conversation and inspire others to create change.

Be part of!

In case you are an innovator, expert, thought leader or educator we encourage you to submit your proposal and consider trends and challenges we are facing that generate conversations around the community.

Submit closes on

Here’s what you can do at the Festival:

3 Day Access

3-day acces to the Festival and a chance to bring someone with you

Connect with leaders

Connect with leaders, founders, investors, and innovators from all kinds of industries

Expand your network

Expand your network of contacts with people from all over the world.

Catapult your career

Catapult your career by connecting with startups, corporations, businesses, and other entrepreneurs like yourself.


Join our community of leaders, founders, investors, and innovators

botones 4_Mesa de trabajo 1 copia 3

Submit your application

Fill in the form below with your contact information. Please, to ensure all the following communications, check that @incmty.com email domain is part of the “allow list” in your email. Please submit your application before 16 May 2023

Stand by

Stand by while we review your application.

Get ready

We’ll let you know if and when you’ll be speaking at the Festival. Successful applicants will be contacted by 5 June for the next steps.

Learn about some of the topics that will be part of the content of incMTY festival during this 2023.

incMTY 2023 festival, which will take place from November 14th to 16th, will be an entrepreneurship festival where the entire entrepreneurial community will be able to concentrate in Monterrey through the following thematic axes: CONNECT- Approaching people, BUILD - Making decisions, LIFE - Nature impact and FORUMS - Smart stake.


CONNECT - Approaching People

Temas y actividades que fomentan la capacidad de crear o ampliar tu red de contactos, así como de mantener las conexiones a lo largo del tiempo con el objetivo de lograr beneficios durante el proceso.

  • Leadership skills
  • Netting strategies & platforms
  • Design Thinking
  • Network

BUILD - Making Decisions

La evolución tecnológica, la transformación digital, las prácticas y las herramientas se pueden aplicar a cualquier industria para proporcionar valor, soluciones y construir oportunidades que disparan el crecimiento del negocio.

  • BIZ: Advertising & brands, E-commerce, Legal aspects, B-models, Retail & tech, User experience
  • FINTECH: Financial innovation, Regulations, Financial Inclusion, Cybersecurity, Financial education
  • IA: Metaverse, Application in other Industries, Trends, Ethics, The impact of AI regulation, Gaming, Robotics, Healthcare diagnostics, Autonomous vehicles, Chatbots
  • SaaS: DevOps, Software 5G, Tech Tools Customer acquisition and retention strategies, Pricing models, Types of SaaS applications, Industry 5.0

LIFE - Nature Impact

La innovación también radica en proponer soluciones a problemas cruciales que enfrentan nuestras sociedades a través de prácticas que promuevan el desarrollo sustentable, el cuidado humano y el medio ambiente.


  • WELLNESS: Developing Leadership, employee engagement, Personal development, Future of work (remote & digital nomads) Fitness and Nutrition, Mindfulness and Meditation, Stress Management -programs into workplace-, Natural Health Products, Alternative Medicine, Holistic Health, Trends
  • SUSTAINABILITY: Climate change, circular economy, Food & Agro, Smart Cities, Waste management, Corporate social responsibility
  • HEALTH: Health tech, Telemedicine & healthcare services, Wearable Devices, Health Insurance, Disease Prevention and Management

FORUMS - Smart Stake

Reúne a líderes nacionales e internacionales, inversores, empresas innovadoras y nuevas empresas que enfrentan y comparten los problemas reales de los negocios, ampliando su red y oportunidades de inversión.


  • INVESTORS & FOUNDERS: Mecanismos de financiamiento, Marcos regulatorios, Valuación de empresas, Market-size en startups, Perspectivas económicas y mercado, Ecosistemas de emprendimiento, Inversión de impacto, Gestión de riesgos financieros
  •  CORPORATE Foro enfocado a los corporativos cuyo objetivo es acelerar la innovación para generar crecimiento, capitalizar oportunidades y mitigar riesgos para lograr un futuro disruptivo.

  • FAMILY Foro exclusivo que reúne familias con el objetivo de abordar las problemáticas y traer las mejores prácticas sobre planes de sucesión y consejos familiares, profundizando en el cómo pueden afectar a la larga la salud de las compañías.


Aprende la forma de
estructurar un negocio de
manera práctica

Aviso de Privacidad INCmty